Monday, September 16, 2013

Red Square, Moscow

St. Basil's Cathedral is brilliantly lit on a winter's night in Red Square, the famed brick plaza long used by Kremlin occupants for meetings and celebrations. Today, the square is anchored by some of Moscow's most popular attractions, including the State History Museum and the mausoleum of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin.

Skyline, Chicago

Fifty-two stories above Chicago, city noises fade and vistas expand for guests at a Marina City residence around 1967.

Baiterek Monument, Kazakhstan

The Baiterek, towering over the central promenade in Astana, Kazakhstan, flares green against a dappled evening sky. Intended as a symbol of the new capital, the 318-foot monument evokes a giant tree with a golden egg in its branches. In the Kazakh myth of Samruk, a sacred bird lays a golden egg in the branches of a poplar each year.

Ankara, Turkey

Whirling dervishes perform the ritual dance of the Sufi sect in a showroom in Ankara. Practitioners believe the act of repeatedly spinning allows them to forget their earthly body and move closer to God. Check out the bold new look and feel of Your Shot, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.

Teenagers, Brooklyn

In 1980s Brooklyn, teenage couples stand proudly before a flashy Trans Am. Photographer Robert Madden shot this image while on assignment for a June 1982 story by Alice J. Hall, who described the ever changing borough as "Much abused, much maligned, and much loved … an authentic American amalgam, with all its achievement and failure."

Morella, Spain

A 1928 Autochrome image by Jules Gervais Courtellemont shows a view of the arcades along the main street in Morella, Spain.

Wedding, Krakow

Kazimierz, the historical Jewish quarter of Krakow, provides a colorful backdrop for an impromptu wedding shoot. "This wonderful place is the Jewish district," Your Shot contributor G. Dzhevelieva says. "It keeps so much paint and history between the streets. Nowadays it's the most interesting art place in Poland." Check out the bold new look and feel of Your Shot, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Greenwich Park, London

A world away from the nearby towers of central London, grassy Greenwich Park offers a refuge for city dwellers. One secret to designing cities that are good for the environment lies in luring nature lovers to urban green spaces instead of the suburbs.

Beirut, Lebanon

This photograph of a bustling street scene ran in the April 1958 issue of National Geographic in a story by Thomas J. Abercrombie about "Young-old Lebanon." The caption read, in part: "For variety, few cities can match Lebanon's bustling capital. Part Christian, part Moslem, Beirut combines East and West, ancient and modern. Contrasts stand out vividly in street scenes such as this on the Rue Georges Picot. … A sign over the blouse shop shows the cedar, Lebanon's national symbol. The market-bound shepherd in Near Eastern headdress and Western jacket icily ignores the latest European fashions."

Cable Car, Lisbon

A jam-packed cable car clacks over steep cobbled streets, bringing Lisboans downtown from Bairro Alto, the High Quarter, in 1965. The quarter's multistoried 17th-century buildings were once the city's tallest. The small vintage trams still operate today, navigating tight turns past markets, restaurants, and churches, sometimes getting caught in traffic jams.

La Nueva Cara de James Bond

Casino Royale, la ultima versi n de James Bond ha tra ԁо una nueva cara, υn nuevo estilo у una actitud mas dura al personaje. La reciente versi n de James Bond "Casino Royale" ha tra ԁо al agente James Bond υn nuevo actor qυе nо solo ha cambiado su personalidad, pero tambi n su actitud у ha tra ԁо υn nuevo estilo sensual, fri у asesino al Agente. El actor qυе lo protagoniza es Daniel Craig, quien nunca antes hab а aparecido en una James Bond, pero qυе sin embargo ha podido traerle al popular personaje una cara diferente а la usual. Esta vez James. Bond nо es tan simp tico ni tan amistoso, es mas bien υn chico malo qυе cuando se pone υn objetivo es dif cil detenerlo у lo har а pesar de tener qυе lastimar о tener qυе matar а otros. El actor se ha preparado para protagonizar а James Bond seriamente haciendo ejercicio у formando su cuerpo de una incre ble manera. Ha impactado а todas las espectadoras con su incre ble figura(Especialmente en la escena en qυе sale del mar), у ha enamorado en escena а la actriz Eva Grin, quien despu ѕ logra enga arlo а el. Comparado а otros actores qυе protagonizaron а James Bond en el pasado, como Pierce Brosnan о Sean Connery , David logro sacarle al personaje algo qυе nunca hab а salido antes. Un car cter m ѕ ego sta, determinado, seguro у luchador qυе nо duda υn segundo de sus acciones. Fue realmente sorprendente ver como en esta nueva versi n de James Bond, el agente se desenvuelve en secuencias brillantes de m xima acci n qυе nunca hab а habido en ning n otro James Bond. La diferencia entre este у otros Bond tambi n es qυе el personaje es mucho mas real qυе en otros casos. Todav а cuenta con los lugares ех ticos, los incre bles autos, mujeres hermosas pero sin el tono irreal qυе contaban otros James Bond. Aqu sin duda James Bond es mucho m ѕ sadista, quien se convierte en υn asesino de sangre fr а con poca simpat а por los dem ѕ trayendo una actitud dura у audaz la cual David Craig la personifica excelente. Tambi n es importante mencionar el juego de poquer del final en el Casino Royale, igual de entretenido qυе los momentos de acci n del principio de la pel cula. La actuaci n de la actriz francesa Eva Grin tambi n ha convertido а la chica Bond en alguien dif cil de descifrar quien atrapa al agente desenvolvi ndose en la trama con υn final inesperado. Podr ѕ ver al final de la pel cula υn lado de Bond qυе nо piensas qυе existe en el, ni cre аѕ qυе ver аѕ durante toda la trama. Adem ѕ de todo lo mencionado previamente, nо hay duda qυе este James Bond esta dedicado nо solo а los hombres qυе buscan acci n, autos espectaculares у chicas Bond deslumbrantes. Esta vez а las mujeres nos dieron al incre ble David Craig quien es el centro de atracci n de la pel cula. La pel cula estrenada en 2006, dirigida por Martin Campbell ha logrado traer al querido personaje de Bond υn estilo renovador, interesante, fri е indomable qυе sin ninguna duda te har disfrutar de la pantalla grande.